Want to talk to the club welfare officer? Click here to contact Helen Painter our welfare officer. |
Wavepower 2016–19 is the latest Amateur Swimming Association (ASA) Child Safeguarding Policies and Procedures publication which replaces all previous versions.
It has been produced to assist in safeguarding and protecting children in our sport and must be adopted by all ASA affiliated clubs and organisations.
Ensuring that children are safeguarded should be a key part of how our clubs and swim schools operate and helps to provide a safe, happy and fun environment in which children can learn to swim and develop their skills.
The responsibility to safeguard children does not belong to any one person, but instead belongs to everyone who plays a part in delivering our sporting activities. Wavepower is intended for anyone involved in these activities and offers practical guidance and information on mandatory requirements and good practice.
This publication will be fully updated in 2020, but if any new guidance or policy changes are released prior to this, then pages will be updated or added to this section of the website.
You can download each section of Wavepower 2016-19 below:
- Intro Information and Contents
- Section 1 Introduction to Wavepower
- Section 2 Toolbox
- Section 3 Child Safeguarding Responsibilities
- Section 4 Guidance for Coaches, Teachers and Poolside Helpers
- Section 5 Templates, Forms and Checklist
- Section 6 Index
- Social media guidance: The Parents’ Guide to Twitter (PDF)
- Social media guidance: The Parents’ Guide to Twitter (Web Book version)
- The Department for Culture Media and Sport’s Child Safeguarding Leaflet for Parents
- ASA Child Welfare Complaints Procedure (ASA Handbook page 5)
- ASA Child Protection Regulations (ASA Handbook page 44)
- Additional information regarding child safeguarding courses
- Disclosure and Barring Service (previously CRB). Important information for clubs.
- Templates for your club to download and use – these include welcome letters, code of conduct, application forms, referral forms, plus more.
- CPSU Safe Sport Events, Activities and Competitions (Supersedes Safe Sport Away)
The ASA with the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) operates Swimline.
Swimline was launched over 10 year ago and is a confidential free-phone number provided for anyone involved in aquatics, adults or children, who believe that the welfare of someone under the age of 18 is at risk. This concern could be neglect, abuse, bullying or fear of someone or anything that is worrying you and you don’t know who to discuss it with.
When calling Swimline you will get through to an answer phone where you will be asked to leave your name and contact details and if you wish some brief details of your concern. The ASA Safeguarding Team or a Swimline volunteer will call you back, listen to your concerns and agree a way forward with you.
If there is an issue which causes concern the ASA will act to protect the child or children involved.
If you leave a message we aim to contact you back during the next working day. If you leave a message after 3pm on a Friday, or over a weekend we will contact you back on the following Monday. If you need to speak to someone immediately you can follow the instructions on the answer phone message and be transferred immediately to the NSPCC. The NSPCC counsellors will advise you directly if you choose this option.
Swimline calls are free and do not appear on an itemised phone bill unless your call is made from a mobile phone.
You can use the form found in the section “your chance to talk” if you want to tell the ASA in confidence if you are worried, concerned or upset about anything and feel like you may need help or advice.
You can also use the Report Abuse button below. This button will take you directly to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOPS) website where you can report any concerns or worries you may have which involve the internet. You can also log onto www.thinkuknow.co.uk to find the latest information on the sites you like to visit, mobiles and new technology. Find out what’s good, what’s not and what you can do about it.
All the information on this site is brought to you by CEOPS.
LASWPC welfare officer
Have a safeguarding concern or have a question, then contact our welfare officer, Helen Titley on the contact form below. N.B that only Helen will receive the e-mail, no other member of the club will.
If you want to talk direct to Helen, she can be found around the pool area on a training night or you can ask a coach to contact her and she will meet up with you.